Tulsa Immigrant Resource Network

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Información General Contacto


Línea gratuita
407 South Florence Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74104

Cómo obtener ayuda

407 South Florence Avenue
Boesche Legal Clinic
Tulsa, OK 74104
Teléfono 918-631-5799 or 800-438-5909

When you come to your appointment, please bring all documents, notices and letters that will help us work with you to solve your legal problem.


Appointment only

Call for an appointment.

Please call if you want to learn more about our program or to schedule a legal information session for your group.

Teléfono 918-631-5799 or 800-438-5909
  • Lunes 08:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Martes 08:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Miércoles 08:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Jueves 08:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Viernes 08:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Please call us to find out if we might be able to help with an immigration problem.

Quienes Somos

A program of the University of Tulsa College of Law Boesche Legal Clinic, this program provides legal representation, community education and advocacy on immigration law.

A Quién Servimos

  • En todo el estado
Sus ingresos familiares deben ser iguales o inferiores al siguiente porcentaje de la nivel de pobreza federal 125
¿Es esta organización accesible en silla de ruedas?
¿Esta organización proporciona acceso para personas con discapacidad auditiva? No

Tipo de ayuda

Este grupo proporciona los siguientes tipos de servicios basados en sus necesidades legales y sus recursos:
  • Representación Total
  • Consejo Breve
Descripción de los Servicios

The Tulsa Immigration Resource Network (TIRN) offers direct representation to the immigrants in Kendall-Whittier and surrounding neighborhoods in Tulsa.

As resources allow, TIRN accepts cases from across Oklahoma.

TIRN limits its practice to:
* Removal (Deportation) Defense
* Complex Family Base Immigration and Citizenship matters
* Petitions for Victims of Crimes or Domestic Violence
* Applications for Asylum
* Special Immigrant Juvenile cases

TIRN also provides:
Continuing Legal Education to pro bono lawyers on representing immigrants, especially immigrant victims of abuse, crimes and persecution;
Advanced legal training and assistance to Tulsa non-profit immigration service providers on legal and procedural issues involved in representing immigrants;
Know Your Rights presentations to the immigrant detainees at the Tulsa County Jail, and;
Training and education to victim advocates on available legal immigration status for immigrant victims of crime and domestic violence.

Última revisión y actualización: Jan 08, 2013
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