This section has information about Unfair Sales Practices and Consumer Fraud in Oklahoma.
Consumer Protection Information
Information regarding Oklahoma Attorney General's Consumer Protection Unit. This information includes how to file a complaint against a business, current alerts on consumer fraud scams and how to register for Oklahoma's Do Not Call list.
Envelope-Stuffing Rip-Offs
This fact sheet explains envelope-stuffing schemes and what to look out for.
How To File a Health Information Privacy Complaint with the Office for Civil Rights
Information on fililing a complaint if you believe that a person, agency or organization covered under the HIPAA Privacy Rule violated health information privacy rights or committed another violation of the Privacy Rule.
Internet & Telemarketing Fraud
Information on "Internet fraud." Schemes that use places like chat rooms, e-mail, message boards, or Web sites to trick prospective victims, conduct fraudulent transactions, or to send stolen money to financial institutions or to others connected with the fraud.
Job Scams - Federal or Postal Job Openings
Looking for federal or postal job openings? Never pay for information about job vacancies or employment opportunities with the US government.
Manufactured Home Guide
Oklahoma Law on manufactured and mobile homes. Classification as real or personal property, taxes, anything you might want to know.
Mass-Marketing Fraud
Mass-Marketing fraud refers generally to any type of fraud scheme that uses the internet, telephone, the mail or even large meetings. Information and tips on schemes to avoid.
Privacy of Health Information
FAQ on your right to privacy of health infomation under the HIPAA privacy rule.
Work-at-Home Schemes
SCAM! Earn thousand of dollars a month - from your home - Processing Medical Billing Claims. Not all work-at-home opportunities deliver on their promises.
National Elder Fraud Hotline
If you or someone you know has been a victim of elder fraud, help is standing by at the National Elder Fraud Hotline.
Privacy of Health Information
FAQ on your right to privacy of health infomation under the HIPAA privacy rule.
Scammers are taking advantage of fears surrounding the Coronavirus.
The FTC and FDA have jointly issued warning letters to seven sellers of unapproved and misbranded products, claiming they can treat or prevent the Coronavirus.
Work-at-Home Schemes
SCAM! Earn thousand of dollars a month - from your home - Processing Medical Billing Claims. Not all work-at-home opportunities deliver on their promises.
Court Forms (Judgments)
After getting a judgment in a court case, you must file certain documents to be able to collect your judgment or to be able to keep the judgment in place if you cannot collect it right away.
Court Forms (Requesting Return of Property from Law Enforcement)
If you are the lawful owner of property that is allegedly stolen or embezzled, you must follow certain steps to have the property returned.
Court Forms (Judgments)
After getting a judgment in a court case, you must file certain documents to be able to collect your judgment or to be able to keep the judgment in place if you cannot collect it right away.
Court Forms (Requesting Return of Property from Law Enforcement)
If you are the lawful owner of property that is allegedly stolen or embezzled, you must follow certain steps to have the property returned.
Court Forms (Judgments)
After getting a judgment in a court case, you must file certain documents to be able to collect your judgment or to be able to keep the judgment in place if you cannot collect it right away.
How To File a Health Information Privacy Complaint with the Office for Civil Rights
Information on fililing a complaint if you believe that a person, agency or organization covered under the HIPAA Privacy Rule violated health information privacy rights or committed another violation of the Privacy Rule.
Oklahoma Find A Lawyer
As a community service, the OBA does provide a directory of its attorney members who have given their permission to have their names published in the Oklahoma Find A Lawyer directory at Oklahoma Find A Lawyer. There you can search by both geographic area or by a lawyer's practice area.