Unfair Sales Practices and Consumer Fraud

Know the Law > Going to Court - Information

Other Consumer Problems

This section has information about Unfair Sales Practices and Consumer Fraud in Oklahoma.

5 Resource(s) Found

Court Forms (Judgments)

After getting a judgment in a court case, you must file certain documents to be able to collect your judgment or to be able to keep the judgment in place if you cannot collect it right away.

Court Forms (Requesting Return of Property from Law Enforcement)

If you are the lawful owner of property that is allegedly stolen or embezzled, you must follow certain steps to have the property returned.

Court Forms (Judgments)

After getting a judgment in a court case, you must file certain documents to be able to collect your judgment or to be able to keep the judgment in place if you cannot collect it right away.

Court Forms (Requesting Return of Property from Law Enforcement)

If you are the lawful owner of property that is allegedly stolen or embezzled, you must follow certain steps to have the property returned.

Court Forms (Judgments)

After getting a judgment in a court case, you must file certain documents to be able to collect your judgment or to be able to keep the judgment in place if you cannot collect it right away.

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