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Other Family Problems

child's drawingThis section has information about Custody & Visitation in Oklahoma.
17 Resource(s) Found

Child Custody and Visitation

General information on how Oklahoma laws treat child custody when parents have never been married.

Grandparent Visitation

The visitation law discussed in this section only applies to grandchildren who are under 18 years of age and are not married. The term grandparent also includes great-grandparent. However, this section on visitation does not apply to other relatives.


General information on child visitation in Oklahoma.

Child Custody and Visitation

General information on how Oklahoma laws treat child custody when parents have never been married.

Child Support Services Request for Address of Record

Use this form if you are a custodial person (CP), noncustodial parent (NCP), the attorney for either, or an authorized person, to request the custodial person's or the noncustodial parent's address of record.

Grounds for Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights

Termination may be voluntary or involuntary. Birth parents who wish to place their children for adoption may voluntarily relinquish their rights.When addressing whether parental rights should be terminated involuntarily, most States require that a court determine is unfit and severing the parent-child relationship is in the child’s best interests.

Request to Enforce Parent Visitation - Prepare court forms

This program will help you fill out and print court papers to ask the court to Enforce Parent Visitation. You can take the paper to court and get a hearing.

Paternity Answer and Counterclaim Form

Were you served with paternity/child custody paperwork? You have 20 days to respond! This form can help you create a response and preserve your rights.

Request to Enforce Parent Visitation - Prepare court forms

This program will help you fill out and print court papers to ask the court to Enforce Parent Visitation. You can take the paper to court and get a hearing.

Divorce Answer and Counterclaim Form

Were you served with divorce paperwork? You have 20 days to respond! This form can help you create a response and preserve your rights.

Paternity Answer and Counterclaim Form

Were you served with paternity/child custody paperwork? You have 20 days to respond! This form can help you create a response and preserve your rights.

Filing for Grandparent Visitation

There may be a time when your grandchild's parent does not want to let you visit your grandchild. Normally, parents have a fundamental right to decide who their children will or will not visit. However, in limited cases, you may be able to get a court order of visitation.

Divorce Answer and Counterclaim Form

Were you served with divorce paperwork? You have 20 days to respond! This form can help you create a response and preserve your rights.

Paternity Answer and Counterclaim Form

Were you served with paternity/child custody paperwork? You have 20 days to respond! This form can help you create a response and preserve your rights.

Request to Enforce Parent Visitation - Prepare court forms

This program will help you fill out and print court papers to ask the court to Enforce Parent Visitation. You can take the paper to court and get a hearing.

Service of Process (Get In the Circle)

A brief video to explain service of process for a court case.

Service of Process (Get In the Circle)

A brief video to explain service of process for a court case.

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