Health Care and Aging

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44 Resource(s) Found

AARP Tax Aide - Tax Assistance for Seniors

AARP Tax Aide is a free nationwide tax counseling service targeted to people age 60 and older. Some 31,000 AARP Tax Aide counselors, trained in cooperation with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) help approximately 1.5 million older taxpayers file their federal state and local tax returns each tax season.

Advance Directive Act, Form and Procedures

Link to the Oklahoma Statute enacting the Oklahoma Advance Directive Act, which includes the Advance Directive Form and Procedures. Amended effective May 17, 2006.

Advance Directive for Health Care form-Oklahoma

Advance Directive for Health Care form as revised by the 2006 Legislature.

Advance Directive for Health Care (Living Will)

The Oklahoma Bar Association publishes the Oklahoma Advance Directive for Health Care FAQ's.

Articles on Health Care and Aging

Website with articles on medicaid, medicare, long-term healthcare, and end of life issues.

Benefits Check Up for Seniors

Information on what benefits seniors may be eligible for. Requires filling out a form.

Caregivers Resource List

In fiscal year 2007, OKDHS, Adult Protective Services program investigated more than 17,550 referrals of alleged abuse or neglect. This web site was created to provide resources to help make things easier for both those giving care and those receiving it.

Guardianship of an Adult

Discusses guardianship of an incapacitated adult in Oklahoma.

Health and Financial Decisions

Legal Tools for Preserving Your Personal Autonomy

How Social Security Can Make Payments to Someone Who is Managing Your Money For You

Social Security's Representative Payment Program provides fiduciary assistance for our beneficiaries who are incapable of managing or directing someone else to manage their Social Security or SSI payments.

How To File a Health Information Privacy Complaint with the Office for Civil Rights

Information on fililing a complaint if you believe that a person, agency or organization covered under the HIPAA Privacy Rule violated health information privacy rights or committed another violation of the Privacy Rule.

Long Term Care Insurance

A guide produced by the OK Insurance Department's Senior Health Insurance Counseling Program to help you understand long term care insurance. You can call the program at 800-763-2828.

Medicaid for Nursing Home Residents

Questions and Answers on Medicaid for Nursing Home Residents. Rules change frequently so please check with your DHS office or a lawyer familiar with Medicaid for more specific information.

Medicare Interactive Counselor

Medicare Interactive (MI) Counselor makes all of MRC's knowledge and experience available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Through this Q&A format, you will learn what Medicare covers, what it doesn?t, how to pick a Medicare health plan, what you need to know about Medicare?s drug coverage (Part D), how to appeal if coverage or care is denied, and much more. Medicare Interactive (MI) Counselor is free for you to use.

Paying for Long-Term Nursing Home Care

Medicaid and Medicare pay for nursing home care. They are government programs but are not for everyone. Private insurance can also pay for nursing home care. This Guide is about the different ways you can pay for long-term nursing home care.

Powers of Attorney

Information about Powers of Attorney, different types, when to use them, and common questions and answers.

Privacy of Health Information

FAQ on your right to privacy of health infomation under the HIPAA privacy rule.

Residents' Rights in Nursing Homes, Assisted Living and Residential Care Facilities

Know your rights for clients and family members living in nursing homes, assisted living and residential care facilities.

Senior Health Insurance Counseling

The Senior Health Insurance Counseling Program (SHICP) is a division of the OK State Insurance Department helping to inform the public about Medicare and other senior health insurance issues. This division provides accurate and objective counseling, assistance and advocacy relating to Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage, Long-Term Care and other related health coverage plans for Medicare beneficiaries, their representatives, or persons soon to be eligible for Medicare. You can call the program at 800-763-2828.

Supplemental Security Income

SSI is short for Supplemental Security Income. It pays monthly benefits to people who are 65 or older, or blind, or have a disability and who don't own much or have a lot of income. SSI isn't just for adults. Monthly benefits can go to disabled and blind children, too. People who get SSI usually get food stamps and Medicaid, too. Medicaid helps pay doctor and hospital bills. Read more about SSI in this booklet, from the Social Security Administration web site

Taking Care of An Aging Parent

The 'sandwich' generation cares for young children as well as aging parents. Learn how to cope with the stress this brings.

Understanding Elder Law Ethics

Understanding the Four C's of Elder law Ethics: client identification, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, compentency.

Understanding Social Security (Social Security Online)

Social Security Online contains a large number of resources that will help you understand the current Social Security program benefits.

What is Medicaid and who is it for?

Medicaid is a jointly funded, Federal-State health insurance program for low-income and needy people. It covers children, the aged, blind, and/or disabled and other people who are eligible to receive federally assisted income maintenance payments. This web site provides basic information and answers to frequently asked questions about Medicaid.

What You Need To Know When You Get SSI Benefits

This booklet, from the Social Security Administration web site is for people who get Supplemental Security Income (SSI). The first part tells about your benefits and what you can expect from Social Security. The second part tells what changes you must report. The third part tells you how you can call Social Security toll free to conduct your Social Security business. The fourth part tells how and when to report changes. The fifth part explains some special rules for people who get SSI disability. The sixth part of the booklet explains other things all SSI recipients should know, and the last part provides additional information about SSI eligibility.

Advance Directive for Health Care form-Oklahoma

Advance Directive for Health Care form as revised by the 2006 Legislature.

Advance Directive for Health Care (Living Will)

The Oklahoma Bar Association publishes the Oklahoma Advance Directive for Health Care FAQ's.

Health and Financial Decisions

Legal Tools for Preserving Your Personal Autonomy

Hearing Aids!

The United Way Hearing Aid Bank assists low income adults in obtaining new digital hearing aids at a reduced price. More info? Call 405-271-2866

Medicaid for Nursing Home Residents

Questions and Answers on Medicaid for Nursing Home Residents. Rules change frequently so please check with your DHS office or a lawyer familiar with Medicaid for more specific information.

Privacy of Health Information

FAQ on your right to privacy of health infomation under the HIPAA privacy rule.

Revocation of Powers of Attorney

A Power of Attorney can be revoked after you have signed a document. There are certain rules you must follow. This resource contains information, a checklist and instructions about revoking a power of attorney

Taking Care of An Aging Parent

The 'sandwich' generation cares for young children as well as aging parents. Learn how to cope with the stress this brings.

Understanding Social Security (Social Security Online)

Social Security Online contains a large number of resources that will help you understand the current Social Security program benefits.

What is Medicaid and who is it for?

Medicaid is a jointly funded, Federal-State health insurance program for low-income and needy people. It covers children, the aged, blind, and/or disabled and other people who are eligible to receive federally assisted income maintenance payments. This web site provides basic information and answers to frequently asked questions about Medicaid.

Advance Directive Act, Form and Procedures

Link to the Oklahoma Statute enacting the Oklahoma Advance Directive Act, which includes the Advance Directive Form and Procedures. Amended effective May 17, 2006.

Guardianship of an Adult

Discusses guardianship of an incapacitated adult in Oklahoma.

How To File a Health Information Privacy Complaint with the Office for Civil Rights

Information on fililing a complaint if you believe that a person, agency or organization covered under the HIPAA Privacy Rule violated health information privacy rights or committed another violation of the Privacy Rule.

Oklahoma Find A Lawyer

As a community service, the OBA does provide a directory of its attorney members who have given their permission to have their names published in the Oklahoma Find A Lawyer directory at Oklahoma Find A Lawyer. There you can search by both geographic area or by a lawyer's practice area.

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