Medical Assistance

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27 Resource(s) Found

Care For Children with Disabilities

The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsiblity Act (TEFRA) of 1992 allows children with physical or mental disabilities, who would not ordinarily be eligible for State Supplemental Income benefits because of their parent's income or resources, to become eligible for SoonerCare (Medicaid).

Emergency Health Care & Child Birth, even if you are Uninsured

This question and answer sheet explains the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA). In certain situations, EMTALA may require a hospital to treat you even if you cannot pay and are uninsured.

Health Insurance Marketplace

The Health Insurance Marketplace will help you get coverage that meets your needs and fits your budget. Open enrollment begins in November!

Home & Community Based Services Waivers

Instead of institutional care, there are government funds available to help with the costs of caring for a person with mental retardation or other related conditions at home.

How to File an Unfair Treatment Complaint

The Social Security Administration wants to treat all claimants and their representatives fairly and equally. We do not treat you differently because of your race, sex, age or for disability, the amount of money you have, or for any other reason. Below we tell you more about what you should do if you think the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) who conducted your hearing treated you unfairly.

Long Term Care Insurance

A guide produced by the OK Insurance Department's Senior Health Insurance Counseling Program to help you understand long term care insurance. You can call the program at 800-763-2828.

Medicaid for Nursing Home Residents

Questions and Answers on Medicaid for Nursing Home Residents. Rules change frequently so please check with your DHS office or a lawyer familiar with Medicaid for more specific information.

Medicaid in Oklahoma

Medicaid is a Federal and state entitlement program that provides medical benefits to low-income individuals who have no or inadequate health insurance coverage. Oklahoma Medicaid guarantees coverage for basic health and long-term care services based upon income and/or resources for eligible Oklahoma residents.

Medicare Interactive Counselor

Medicare Interactive (MI) Counselor makes all of MRC's knowledge and experience available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Through this Q&A format, you will learn what Medicare covers, what it doesn?t, how to pick a Medicare health plan, what you need to know about Medicare?s drug coverage (Part D), how to appeal if coverage or care is denied, and much more. Medicare Interactive (MI) Counselor is free for you to use.

Medicare: Questions and Answers

List of common questions and answers on medicare.

Parents Guide to Help for Children with Disabilities (TEFRA)

Information, forms and tips for getting financial help with health and medical services for a child with disabilities.

Paying for Long-Term Nursing Home Care

Medicaid and Medicare pay for nursing home care. They are government programs but are not for everyone. Private insurance can also pay for nursing home care. This Guide is about the different ways you can pay for long-term nursing home care.

Senior Health Insurance Counseling

The Senior Health Insurance Counseling Program (SHICP) is a division of the OK State Insurance Department helping to inform the public about Medicare and other senior health insurance issues. This division provides accurate and objective counseling, assistance and advocacy relating to Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage, Long-Term Care and other related health coverage plans for Medicare beneficiaries, their representatives, or persons soon to be eligible for Medicare. You can call the program at 800-763-2828.

Social Security Benefits for Same-Sex Couples and Dependants

On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional. Social Security is now processing some retirement spouse claims for same-sex couples and paying benefits where they are due.

Veterans' Health Care and Medical Benefits Package

The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) is a comprehensive health care program in which the VA shares the cost of covered health care services and supplies with eligible beneficiaries. This web site covers eligibility, benefits, exclusions and other specific topics. The site also features LIVE ONLINE CHAT with a Customer Service Representative and a link to check the status of your claims.

What is Medicaid and who is it for?

Medicaid is a jointly funded, Federal-State health insurance program for low-income and needy people. It covers children, the aged, blind, and/or disabled and other people who are eligible to receive federally assisted income maintenance payments. This web site provides basic information and answers to frequently asked questions about Medicaid.

What you should know BEFORE you apply for Social Security Disability Benefits

This fact sheet answers questions most people ask about applying for disability benefits.

What you should know BEFORE you apply for SSI Disability Benefits for a Child

Children from birth up to 18 may get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits if they are disabled and have little or no income or resources. This fact sheet answers common questions people ask when applying for SSI for children.

Hearing Aids!

The United Way Hearing Aid Bank assists low income adults in obtaining new digital hearing aids at a reduced price. More info? Call 405-271-2866

How to File an Unfair Treatment Complaint

The Social Security Administration wants to treat all claimants and their representatives fairly and equally. We do not treat you differently because of your race, sex, age or for disability, the amount of money you have, or for any other reason. Below we tell you more about what you should do if you think the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) who conducted your hearing treated you unfairly.

Medicaid for Nursing Home Residents

Questions and Answers on Medicaid for Nursing Home Residents. Rules change frequently so please check with your DHS office or a lawyer familiar with Medicaid for more specific information.

OKDHS Online (SNAP or SoonerCare Medicaid)

Find out if you may be eligible for Food Benefits or SoonerCare Medicaid. You may also use this web site to renew your eligibility for SNAP, SoonerCare or Child Care: or to request (apply for) these benefits.

SoonerCare Members: Keep Your Address updated

A new rule issues July 3, 2019 required all SoonerCare members to keep their mailing address updated or face losing benefits.

Young Adult Guide - You're 18 Now - It's Your Responsibility

When you had your 18th birthday, you became an adult by law. This information is to help you understand your rights and responsibilities as an adult.

SoonerCare Members: Keep Your Address updated

A new rule issues July 3, 2019 required all SoonerCare members to keep their mailing address updated or face losing benefits.

What is Medicaid and who is it for?

Medicaid is a jointly funded, Federal-State health insurance program for low-income and needy people. It covers children, the aged, blind, and/or disabled and other people who are eligible to receive federally assisted income maintenance payments. This web site provides basic information and answers to frequently asked questions about Medicaid.

Oklahoma Find A Lawyer

As a community service, the OBA does provide a directory of its attorney members who have given their permission to have their names published in the Oklahoma Find A Lawyer directory at Oklahoma Find A Lawyer. There you can search by both geographic area or by a lawyer's practice area.

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