Transfer on Death Deed (or Beneficiary Deed)
A TOD is an easy way to leave your property ownership or interests to someone else after you die. This is a great way to help your loved ones avoid a complicated court process called probate to divide up your property after your death.
When A Joint Tenant Dies
If you own a house or land with another person as joint tenants and that person dies, you can place the home or land in your name without going through probate. You do not need a lawyer to do this. You will have to file some papers with the County Clerk.
Transfer on Death Deed (or Beneficiary Deed)
A TOD is an easy way to leave your property ownership or interests to someone else after you die. This is a great way to help your loved ones avoid a complicated court process called probate to divide up your property after your death.
Transfer on Death Deed (or Beneficiary Deed)
A TOD is an easy way to leave your property ownership or interests to someone else after you die. This is a great way to help your loved ones avoid a complicated court process called probate to divide up your property after your death.
When A Joint Tenant Dies
If you own a house or land with another person as joint tenants and that person dies, you can place the home or land in your name without going through probate. You do not need a lawyer to do this. You will have to file some papers with the County Clerk.
When A Surviving Joint Tenant Dies
If you own a house in joint tenancy with the right of survivorship and the individual that you have the joint tenancy with dies, you can terminate the tenancy and place the home in your name only.