Military Tax Guide
Federal tax laws provide some special benefits for active members of the US Armed Forces, including those serving in combat zones.
SCRA (Servicemembers Civil Relief Act) FAQ's
Frequently asked questions on rights and benefits available under the Servicemember's Civil Relief Act (SCRA). This information is for personnel in the Active Duty and Reserves or National Guard who are activated to serve on active duty.
Tax Information for Members of the US Armed Forces
For federal tax purposes, the U.S. Armed Forces includes officers and enlisted personnel in all regular and reserve units controlled by the Secretaries of Defense, the Army, Navy and Air Force. The Coast Guard is also included, but not the U.S. Merchant Marine or the American Red Cross. However, these and other support personnel may qualify for certain tax deadline extensions because of their service in a combat zone.
Tax Problems?
If you have a federal tax problem, Legal Aid may be able to help. LASO's Low Income Taxpayer Clininc serves low income taxpayers who have problems or disputes with the IRS, including those for whom English is a second language.
SCRA (Servicemembers Civil Relief Act) FAQ's
Frequently asked questions on rights and benefits available under the Servicemember's Civil Relief Act (SCRA). This information is for personnel in the Active Duty and Reserves or National Guard who are activated to serve on active duty.
Oklahoma Find A Lawyer
As a community service, the OBA does provide a directory of its attorney members who have given their permission to have their names published in the Oklahoma Find A Lawyer directory at Oklahoma Find A Lawyer. There you can search by both geographic area or by a lawyer's practice area.