Find information about Veterans and Military Legal Issues
Active Duty Pre-Seperation Checklist
This is a checklist for members of the military leaving active duty.
Application for Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance (S-DVI)
VA Form 29-4364 is used to apply for basic S-DVI.
Army Discharge Review Board Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions from the Army Discharge Review Board.
Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD)
The Benefits Delivery at Discharge Program or BDD allows a Servicemember to apply for disability compensation benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) prior to retirement or separation from military service.
Department of Defense Forms Management Program
Department of Defense site to find forms and information about forms.
E-Request Copies of Military Personnel Records
Create a customized order form to request information from your, or your relative's, military personnel records.
Frequently Asked Questions for Reservists Being Called to Active Duty
U.S. Department of Labor answers questions that reservists may have when being called to active duty.
How to Request Military Service Records or Prove Military Service
How to Request Military Service Records or Prove Military Service.
Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve
The Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve program may be available to you if you are a member of the Selected Reserve.
Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve - Chapter 1606
Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve - Chapter 1606 Fact Sheet.
Official Department of the Army Electronic Forms
Download official Army e-forms by category, range, etc. here.
Oklahoma Veterans Service Representatives' Itineraries
A listing of contact information such as phone number, county location, hours available and address for Veteran Service Representatives across the state of Oklahoma.
Returning from the War Zone: A Guide for Service Members
Returning from the War Zone: A Guide for Service Members.
Returning Service Members (OEF/OIF)
Welcome home and thank you for your service to our country! VA is ready to provide health care and more to our newest veterans returning from the armed services. Here are some of the benefits VA provides that you need to know about.
Scholarships for Military Children
The Scholarships for Military Children program is open to sons and daughters of active duty, reserve/guard, or retired military commissary customers. Recipient must be enrolled or planning to enroll full-time in a four-year undergraduate college or university, accredited in the U. S.
Today's GI Bill
Today's GI Bill also known as the Post-9/11 GI Bill went into effect in August 2009, making the reality of higher education more attainable than ever for today's service members and veterans. The Bill significantly expands educational benefits available to those who have served since September 11, 2001.
Transition Assistance Guide for Demobilizing Members of the Guard and Reserves
This guide is intended to assist members of the National Guard and Reserves with their transition back to civilian life.
Transition Service Offices
Need guidance making the transition to civilian life? Contact a Transition Service Officer.
VA Form 10-10EZ - Application for Medical Benefits (Enroll)
The primary purpose of this form is to request enrollment in the VA Health Care System (Apply for Medical Benefits).
Veterans Application for Compensation and/or Pension
Waiver of S-DVI Premiums for Total Disability
VA Form 29-357 is used to apply for a total disability waiver of S-DVI premiums.
Application for Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance (S-DVI)
VA Form 29-4364 is used to apply for basic S-DVI.
How to Request Military Service Records or Prove Military Service
How to Request Military Service Records or Prove Military Service.
Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve
The Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve program may be available to you if you are a member of the Selected Reserve.
Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve - Chapter 1606
Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve - Chapter 1606 Fact Sheet.
Transition Service Offices
Need guidance making the transition to civilian life? Contact a Transition Service Officer.
Official Department of the Army Electronic Forms
Download official Army e-forms by category, range, etc. here.
Official Department of the Army Electronic Forms
Download official Army e-forms by category, range, etc. here.
Application for Correction of Military Record
Application for correction of military record under the provisions of Title 10, U.S. Code, Section 1552.
Application for Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance (S-DVI)
VA Form 29-4364 is used to apply for basic S-DVI.
DD Form 293 - Application for the Review of Discharge from the Armed Forces of the United States
This form is used to request upgrade of a military discharge from the appropriate discharge review board.
Instructions for Filling Out Applications
This information lists things you will need to prepare for filling out your application and evidence you will need to mail separately as supporting documentation.
Official Department of the Army Electronic Forms
Download official Army e-forms by category, range, etc. here.
Request Form for Military Records (Form 180)
Form 180, Request Pertaining to Military Records, is used to request information from military records.
The VONAPP (Veterans On Line Application)
The VONAPP (Veterans On Line Application) website is an official U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) website that enables service members, veterans and their beneficiaries, and other designated individuals to apply for benefits using the Internet.
VA Form 10-10EZ - Application for Medical Benefits (Enroll)
The primary purpose of this form is to request enrollment in the VA Health Care System (Apply for Medical Benefits).
Veterans Application for Compensation and/or Pension
VHA Forms, Publications & Records Management
Find VHA Forms, Publications & Records Management.
Oklahoma Find A Lawyer
As a community service, the OBA does provide a directory of its attorney members who have given their permission to have their names published in the Oklahoma Find A Lawyer directory at Oklahoma Find A Lawyer. There you can search by both geographic area or by a lawyer's practice area.