Veterans' Benefits

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Apply Online for Veterans Benefits

The Department of Veterans Affairs continues to expand the forms that can be submitted online. The following is a list of forms that can be submitted on-line.

Assistance for Homeless Veterans

Information about what help is available to homeless veterans.

A Summary of VA Benefits for National Guard Reserve Personnel (2003)

A summary of VA benefits for National Guard and Reserve personnel (2003).

Benefits for Filipino Veterans

Filipino veterans with service in the U.S. military or Philippine military may qualify for Veterans benefits. Click to learn more.

Benefits for Reservists and National Guard Members

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs information on benefits for reservists and national guard.

Benefits for Survivors of Active Duty Deaths

A look at survivor benefits for families dealing with a loved one killed in the line of duty.

Benefits Summary Materials

Veterans Benefits Administration, summary of all VA benefits by type

Burial and Plot-Interment Allowanes

VA Fact Sheet on burial and death allowances.

Burials and Memorials Home

This page discusses burial and memorial services for veterans, burial allowances provided by the VA, and funeral honors.

Certification of Fully Developed Claim

The Fully Developed Claim pilot program was set up to help the VA process fully developed claims within 90 days. FAQ's about the pilot program.

Children of Women Vietnam Veterans Monthly Monetary Allowance

Who Is Eligible For The Children Of Women Vietnam Veterans Monthly Allowance?

Death Pension Benefits

Information on death pensions for eligible spouses and dependents of deceased wartime veterans.

Dependency Indemnity Compensation (DIC)

Information (fact sheet) regarding Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC). DIC is a monthly benefit paid to eligible survivors.

Disability Compensation Benefits

Disability Compensation is a tax free monetary benefit paid to Veterans with disabilities that are the result of a disease or injury incurred or aggravated during active military service.

Disability Compensation for Sexual or Personal Trauma

If a veteran suffers from the effects of trauma in military service, VA may be able to help them.

Disability Compensation for Veterans

Disability compensation is a monthly tax-free benefit paid to Veterans who are at least 10% disabled because of injuries or diseases that were incurred in or aggravated during active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training.

Enrollment in VA's Health Care System

Description of health care benefits for veterans, including frequently asked questions and information on how to apply.

Federal Taxes on Veterans' Disability or Military Retirement Pensions

Information regarding Veterans Benefits. Taxable as income or not.

Form and Instructions for Statement of Dependency of Parent(s) (FORM 21-509)

Form and Instructions for Statement of Dependency of Parent(s) (Form 21-509)

Health Benefits and the Miltary

If you serve in the armed forces or you're a veteran or you're a dependent of someone who serves, you will want to check out any connections that you may have to military health benefits.

Home Modification Programs

VA has three main grant programs to assist disabled veterans and servicemembers with necessary home modifications.

Incarcerated Veterans

VA can pay certain benefits to veterans who are incarcerated in a Federal, state, or local penal institution. However, the amount we can pay depends on the type of benefit and reason for incarceration.

Instructions and Application for Burial Benefits

Instructions and application for burial and plot-interment allowances.

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America

IAVA addresses critical issues facing new veterans and their families, including mental health injuries, a stretched VA system, inadequate health care for female veterans, and GI Bill educational benefits. IAVA also provides valuable resources and empowers veterans to connect with one another, fostering a strong and lasting community.

Military Family Leave Provisions of the FMLA

Military Family Leave Provisions of the FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve - Chapter 1606

Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve - Chapter 1606 Fact Sheet.

National Resource Directory

The National Resource Directory provides access to services and resources at the national, state and local levels that support recovery, rehabilitation and community reintegration.

New Changes to the GI Bill for Reservists

In 2008, several changes were made to the GI Bill for Reservists. Click on the link for more detailed information.

Official Department of the Army Electronic Forms

Download official Army e-forms by category, range, etc. here.

Oklahoma Drivers in the Military

A privately owned web site link to information for military families regarding drivers and motor vehicle license registration.

Oklahoma Veteran Claims & Benefits Information

The Claims and Benefits Division provides many different services to the veterans and their dependents. The primary function is to assist veterans and their dependents with their claims before the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA)

Oklahoma Veterans Service Representatives' Itineraries

A listing of contact information such as phone number, county location, hours available and address for Veteran Service Representatives across the state of Oklahoma.

Parents' Dependency and Indemnity Compensation

This fact sheet explains a monthly benefit that may be available to income eligible parents of veterans who died in service.

Presidential Memorial Certificates

A Presidential Memorial Certificate (PMC) is an engraved paper certificate, signed by the current President, to honor the memory of honorably discharged deceased veterans.

Presidential Memorical Certificate Request Form

Presidential Memorical Certificate Request Form

Reserve GI Bill Information

Basic information about the Reserve GI Bill.

SCRA (Servicemembers Civil Relief Act) FAQ's

Frequently asked questions on rights and benefits available under the Servicemember's Civil Relief Act (SCRA). This information is for personnel in the Active Duty and Reserves or National Guard who are activated to serve on active duty.

Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

The act covers members of the armed services, active duty reserves and National Guard, active duty and in some other circumstances. The SCRA helps with health insurance, voting rights, and civil lawsuit

Social Security Benefits for Wounded Warriors

Military service members can receive expedited processing of disability claims from Social Security.

Social Security Benefits Online Screening Tool

Fill out a form online to find out if you are eligible for certain social security benefits. This form is NOT an application for benefits and will NOT give you an estimate of benefit amounts. Also, it will NOT screen for help with Medicare prescription drug plan costs.

Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program (DEA)

Dependents' Educational Assistance provides education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of certain veterans. The program offers up to 45 months of education benefits.

The Uniformed Services Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP)

Retired pay stops when you die. The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) helps make up for the loss of part of this income. It pays your eligible survivors an inflation-adjusted monthly income.

Today's GI Bill

Today's GI Bill also known as the Post-9/11 GI Bill went into effect in August 2009, making the reality of higher education more attainable than ever for today's service members and veterans. The Bill significantly expands educational benefits available to those who have served since September 11, 2001.

Understanding Military Legal Matters

As a U.S. military servicemember or veteran, you have many legal rights, entitlements, restrictions, and benefits. These include financial and legal protection for when you are mobilized or deployed, and assistance with personal legal matters.

Understanding the Appeals Process

Explains the steps involved in filing an appeal and to serve as a reference for the terms and abbreviations used in the appeal process.

U.S. Armed Forces Legal Assistance Resources

The Armed Forces Legal Assistance (AFLA) Web site is a joint initiative of the Armed Forces legal assistance offices that aims to provide general legal information to the military community to enhance its readiness. The information provided through this Web site is for educational and general information purposes only. It is not legal advice.

VA Form 10-10EZ - Application for Medical Benefits (Enroll)

The primary purpose of this form is to request enrollment in the VA Health Care System (Apply for Medical Benefits).

VA Health Care Fact Sheet - Fugitive Felon Program

Explains what a Fugitive Felon is and how it affects your Veterans Benefits. It also explains how to correct Fugitive Felon status.

VA to Provide Payments to Eligible Surviving Spouses

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced immediate actions to quickly identify and pay surviving spouses who are eligible to receive the deceased veteran's VA compensation or pension benefit for the month of the veteran's death.

Veterans Application for Compensation and/or Pension


Veterans' Benefits Expiration Dates

Did you know that many of your VA benefits have an expiration date? Look here to learn more.

Veterans Benefits Timetable

List of common veteran benefits and the time limit in which to apply for them.

Veterans' Burial and Memorial Benefits

The Department of Veterans' Affairs National Cemetary Administration's web site is designed to assist you with information on the VA's national cemetaries and other memorial benefits. The NCA honors veterans with a final resting place and lasting memorials that commemorate their service to our country.

Veterans Dependent Parent Benefit

A veteran whose parent(s) are dependent upon him/her for financial support may be paid additional benefits.

Veterans (Disability) Pension Program

Pension is a benefit paid to wartime veterans who have limited or no income, and who are age 65 or older, or, if under 65, who are permanently and totally disabled.

Veterans Health Administration Homepage

The Veterans Health Administration Homepage provides a general overview of health care programs available to Veterans and their family members.

Veterans' Health Care and Medical Benefits Package

The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) is a comprehensive health care program in which the VA shares the cost of covered health care services and supplies with eligible beneficiaries. This web site covers eligibility, benefits, exclusions and other specific topics. The site also features LIVE ONLINE CHAT with a Customer Service Representative and a link to check the status of your claims.

Veterans with Service-Connected Disabilities in the Workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

This guide answers questions that veterans with service-connected disabilities may have about the protections they are entitled to when they seek to return to their former jobs or look to find their first, or new, civilian jobs.

Welcome to the GI Bill Website

This page contains in-depth information about the various education benefits administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

What is Military Funeral Honors?

Information describing military funeral honors, who is eligible, and what services are provided.

Burials and Memorials Home

This page discusses burial and memorial services for veterans, burial allowances provided by the VA, and funeral honors.

Dependency Indemnity Compensation (DIC)

Information (fact sheet) regarding Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC). DIC is a monthly benefit paid to eligible survivors.

Disability Compensation Benefits

Disability Compensation is a tax free monetary benefit paid to Veterans with disabilities that are the result of a disease or injury incurred or aggravated during active military service.

Disability Compensation for Sexual or Personal Trauma

If a veteran suffers from the effects of trauma in military service, VA may be able to help them.

Home Modification Programs

VA has three main grant programs to assist disabled veterans and servicemembers with necessary home modifications.

Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve - Chapter 1606

Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve - Chapter 1606 Fact Sheet.

Parents' Dependency and Indemnity Compensation

This fact sheet explains a monthly benefit that may be available to income eligible parents of veterans who died in service.

Reserve GI Bill Information

Basic information about the Reserve GI Bill.

Social Security Benefits for Wounded Warriors

Military service members can receive expedited processing of disability claims from Social Security.

Social Security Benefits Online Screening Tool

Fill out a form online to find out if you are eligible for certain social security benefits. This form is NOT an application for benefits and will NOT give you an estimate of benefit amounts. Also, it will NOT screen for help with Medicare prescription drug plan costs.

Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance Program (DEA)

Dependents' Educational Assistance provides education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of certain veterans. The program offers up to 45 months of education benefits.

Veterans' unemployment outpaces civilian rate

Veterans leaving military service have an unemployment rate of 11.7 percent, higher than overall jobless rate of 9.1 percent

9 Ways Con Artists Target Veterans

As a veteran, you have protected our country with your service. Watch out for scams that target veterans and your guaranteed benefits. Vigilance is your number one weapon.

Welcome to the GI Bill Website

This page contains in-depth information about the various education benefits administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Form and Instructions for Statement of Dependency of Parent(s) (FORM 21-509)

Form and Instructions for Statement of Dependency of Parent(s) (Form 21-509)

Official Department of the Army Electronic Forms

Download official Army e-forms by category, range, etc. here.

Official Department of the Army Electronic Forms

Download official Army e-forms by category, range, etc. here.

Disability Compensation for Veterans

Disability compensation is a monthly tax-free benefit paid to Veterans who are at least 10% disabled because of injuries or diseases that were incurred in or aggravated during active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training.

SCRA (Servicemembers Civil Relief Act) FAQ's

Frequently asked questions on rights and benefits available under the Servicemember's Civil Relief Act (SCRA). This information is for personnel in the Active Duty and Reserves or National Guard who are activated to serve on active duty.

Form and Instructions for Statement of Dependency of Parent(s) (FORM 21-509)

Form and Instructions for Statement of Dependency of Parent(s) (Form 21-509)

Official Department of the Army Electronic Forms

Download official Army e-forms by category, range, etc. here.

VA Form 10-10EZ - Application for Medical Benefits (Enroll)

The primary purpose of this form is to request enrollment in the VA Health Care System (Apply for Medical Benefits).

Veterans Application for Compensation and/or Pension


Social Security Benefits Online Screening Tool

Fill out a form online to find out if you are eligible for certain social security benefits. This form is NOT an application for benefits and will NOT give you an estimate of benefit amounts. Also, it will NOT screen for help with Medicare prescription drug plan costs.

Oklahoma Find A Lawyer

As a community service, the OBA does provide a directory of its attorney members who have given their permission to have their names published in the Oklahoma Find A Lawyer directory at Oklahoma Find A Lawyer. There you can search by both geographic area or by a lawyer's practice area.

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