Early Settlement Mediation - City of Norman Program

General Contact Information


201 West Gray, Building B
Norman Municipal Court
Norman, OK 73069

How to Get Help

Phone Number 405-217-7766
  • Monday 8 am to 5 pm
  • Tuesday 8 am to 5 pm
  • Wednesday 8 am to 5 pm
  • Thursday 8 am to 5 pm
  • Friday 8 am to 5 pm

Call to request a form to start the mediation process.
Since mediation is voluntary, both parties would have to agree before a session would be scheduled.

The program office would then contact the other party to see if they are willing to mediate the dispute. If they agree, a $5 processing charge (this fee is waived if the case has been filed in district court) from each party is required.

Confirmation notices will be sent out to both parties informing them of when and where the mediation will be held. A neutral, third party mediator is then assigned. Early Settlement mediators are trained to facilitate a discussion of the issues in a non-blaming way in order to assist the parties to come up with alternatives as to how they want to proceed in resolving the situation.

Upon reaching resolution, the mediator(s) will work(s) with the parties to draft their written agreement. In civil cases, each party signs and receives a copy. In family and divorce cases, the agreements are recorded by the mediators in what is called a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Each party receives a copy that may be taken to his/her attorney for review and put into the proper format for court presentation.

Who We Are

In Mediation a neutral, third party helps those in conflict define issues, explore solutions and reach practical, workable and mutually satisfactory agreements. Mediation seeks to prevent conflicts from escalating, saving everyone involved the time and expense of going to court.

Mediation is a process which can help ALL parties involved:

Get past their anger, frustration, guilt or "desire to punish"
Clarify their underlying, bottom-line goals
See their "opponent's" feelings, viewpoints and goals
Cooperatively build a lasting, WIN/WIN voluntary solution
Create an atmosphere of on-going cooperation and efficiency

All mediations are handled promptly and confidentially.

Who We Serve

  • Cleveland County
Additional Service Area Info City of Norman, Oklahoma
Is this organization accessible by wheelchair? NO
Does this organization provide access for the hearing impaired? YES

Type of Help

This group provides the following types of services based on your legal needs and its resources:
  • Other
Description of Services

In Mediation a neutral, third party helps those in conflict define issues, explore solutions and reach practical, workable and mutually satisfactory agreements. Mediation seeks to prevent conflicts from escalating, saving everyone involved the time and expense of going to court.

Last Review and Update: Jun 11, 2024
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