100% Disabled Veterans - Sales Tax Exemption Card

Authored By: Oklahoma Tax Commission


Who is eligible for a 100% Veteran disability exemption?

  • Are you a veteran?
  • Have you been certified as receiving 100% permanent disability benefits?
  • Was your disability certified as "service connected?

You may be eligible for an exemption from paying Oklahoma Sales Tax up to $25,000.00 per year.

What taxes are exempt?

Only SALES taxes are exempt.  All city, and county sales taxes will be exempt.

Excise taxes, like cigarette or gasoline tax, are NOT exempt.

Real property taxes may be exempt but you have to complete this form each year.

Can a vendor refuse to accept the card and charge me sales tax?

No, A law effective in August 2006 requires vendors to accept this Veterans Exemption Card.
If a vendor refuses, you can get a refund of the tax.

Download form 13-9 "Application for Credit or Refund of State and Local Sales or Use Tax." 
Complete the form, attach copies of your receipts and mail to: 

Oklahoma Tax Commission
Oklahoma City, OK  73194

Download Oklahoma Forms Online

How do I get a card showing I'm exempt from Oklahoma Sales Tax?

The card is FREE.

FIRST, you need a letter certifying you are eligible.
Call the Oklahoma Department of Veteran’s Affairs at 1-888-655-2838.
Tell them you need a letter confirming you are a 100% disabled veteran with a service related disability and need a letter to qualify for and exemption from Oklahoma Sales Tax.

After I get this letter?

Apply online here

Mail your letter to the Oklahoma Tax Commission.

Mailing Address: (no street name required)

Oklahoma Tax Commission
Oklahoma City, OK 73194

OR Take the letter to Office locations in Oklahoma City or Tulsa:

Taxpayer Resource Center
300 North Broadway
Oklahoma City, OK 73102

HOURS: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(405) 521-3160

Tulsa Office
HOURS: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(405) 521-3160

Can the surviving spouse keep this benefit?

This exemption for a 100% disabled veteran continues for the surviving spouse of a deceased qualified veteran until the spouse remarries.  The exemption for the surviving spouse is limited to $1000.00 per year.

An un-remarried surviving spouse of a 100% disabled veteran with service related injuries must provide a letter from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, Muskogee, OK certifying that the applicant is the un-remarried spouse of the qualifying veteran.  Contact the Oklahoma Department of Veteran’s Affairs at 1-888-655-2838 for assistance with this Oklahoma benefit or go online here.

What about someone who lives with me and helps with purchases?

The 100% disabled veteran may obtain an additional exemption card for a household member to make purchases on their behalf.
A household member includes a qualified veteran’s spouse or other person who lives with the qualified veteran. To obtain an additional card, the qualified veteran should complete Form 13-55 and submit it to the address listed on the form.

More information from the Oklahoma Tax Commission can be found at this link.

Last Review and Update: Dec 13, 2017
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