OK-SPLASH is ready to help Oklahoma seniors
OK-SPLASH helps people 60 and older by providing brief legal services including legal information, advice and referral.
Call 1-855-488-6814
What we do
Free legal advice and counseling are available to all people who are 60 years of age.
We can answer questions like these, and more:
- Do I need a will?
- If I die without a will, can the State of Oklahoma take my property?
- What can I do if Social Security underpays me or overpays me and wants money back?
- Can my landlord lock me out of my apartment if I do not pay my rent?
- Can I be sent to a nursing home or hospital against my will?
We can help with
- Food stamps
- Garnishments
- Guardianships
- Healthcare issues
- Medicaid/Medicare
- Medical access issues
- Nursing home problems
- Power of attorney
- Public housing
- Subsidized housing
- Social Security
- SSI overpayments
- Unfair sales and collection practices
- Veteran benefits
- Wills
- Other civil legal problems
Who we are
Contact us:
Telephone: 1-855-488-6814
Apply online: OKLegalConnect.org
- Be sure to click submit on the last screen
- Note the phone number
- Call to complete your application