Tax Problems?

Do you have a federal TAX problem?

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LASO’s Low Income Taxpayer Clinic provides low income taxpayers free federal income tax help.

                No Legal Fees:

LITC never charges a fee for our services.

You may have to pay court costs and filing fees.


Legal Aid's low income taxpayer clinic may be able to help you!

  • Is the IRS holding your tax refund?
  • Are you getting letters from the IRS?
  • Is the IRS making you pay ALL the back taxes owed by both you and your spouse?
  • Is your tax return being audited (examined) by the IRS?
  • Have you not filed one or more tax returns?
  • Has the IRS denied you the right to take a credit or deduction?
  • Do you have a case in Tax Court, or do you want to take a case to Tax Court?
  • Do you owe the IRS a debt that you are having trouble paying, or cannot pay?

What We Do

  • Innocent Spouse Relief
    Do you think it is unfair for the IRS to hold you responsible for your ex-spouse’s tax bills?
  • Injured Spouse Claims
    Have your tax refunds been taken to pay your spouse’s child support, student loans or tax debts?
  • Earned Income Tax Credit Appeals
    The IRS audits the some returns claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit.  We can appeal denials and protect your right to claim the EITC.
  • Audits or Exams
    We can help you gather the proof requested, meet with the IRS, and represent you during the audit. 
  • Deficiency Notices/Tax Court
    Do you have an IRS 90 day notice  to file a petition in Tax Court? We can help you file the petition.
    NOTICE - If you do not file within 90 days, you have to pay the tax before you can go to court!

How We Help

  • Liens and Levies
    Do you have an IRS notice that a lien will be filed on your property  or for a levy against your property? Offset your social security benefits or garnish your wages?
  • Negotiations / Settlements of Tax Debt
    Help getting a payment agreement, making a settlement offer or asking for a Taxpayer Assistance Order.
  • Employee/Independent Contractor Disputes
    If you owe self-employment taxes, we can help you ask the IRS to change your employment status.
  • File Appeals
    We can help you file an appeal of the IRS Collection or Audit decision.
  • Other types of tax problems?
    Call to see if you qualify for help.

Who We Help

LASO LITC serves low income taxpayers who have problems or disputes with the IRS, including those for whom English is a second language.

We can handle tax cases if the yearly amount in dispute is $50,000 or less.

Other Things We Do

  • Speak to groups, like social services agencies about tax issues
  • Distribute pamphlets about taxpayer rights and responsibilities
  • Work with volunteers and law students who provide tax help to clients

Do you need help?

Or someone you know?

Call us!  1-888-534-5243

More info about Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma at our website


Not the IRS:
LASO’s LITC is not the IRS. 
What you tell us is confidential and protected by the attorney-client privilege. 
Even if you don’t qualify for help, the information you give us is confidential .

Last Review and Update: Nov 09, 2016
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